The West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (WVDHSEM) announces that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded over $835,000 in Hazard Mitigation Grants in Kanawha, Greenbrier, and Tucker Counties.
The grants include generator purchases for the Town of Alderson, City of Parsons, and Greenbrier County. The funding will also allow for the acquisition of property in South Charleston and elevating houses out of the floodplain in Parsons and Pulp Bottom.
“The Hazard Mitigation Program Grants provide for valuable services and equipment that will protect the safety of citizens and their property,” said WVDHSEM Director Jimmy Gianato.
The grant funds were requested after the June 2012 Derecho, Roane and Mason County Floods, and Hurricane Sandy to provide for critical power needs in emergency facilities and mitigate damage from flooding. Gianato also thanked Governor Earl Ray Tomblin for his continuing leadership in this important area of hazard mitigation.