Help students succeed by eating at Ruby Tuesday’s in Lewisburg on Wednesday, Sept. 25; Thursday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 27. Ruby Tuesday will donate 20 percent of your purchase to Greenbrier County’s local drop-out prevention organization, Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County (CISGC). Simply print off a flyer from and bring it with you to Ruby Tuesday to help our students succeed!
Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County surrounds at-risk and disadvantaged students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CISGC helps students with unmet physical, social and academic needs through individual case management services, mentoring and tutoring programs, family engagement activities and educational programming. Our youth sustain our strong, vibrant communities and we invite the community to be active participants in their success. Dine out at Ruby Tuesday and show your support for our students, families and schools!