Dear Recycle Lady,
Several of my steel (tin) cans are rusty. Can they be recycled?
Dear Canner,
Slightly rusty cans can be recycled, if they are clean and dry. If there is lots of rust on the can, it goes in the trash.
Dear Recycle Lady,
I just read that some old growth forests are being cut to keep up with the current demand for paper, especially toilet paper. If so, are there any other materials, besides wood from trees that can be used for making paper.
Tree Hugger
Dear Tree Hugger,
You are correct about the growing demand for paper contributing to the deforestation of old growth forests. According to Earth911, over 440 million U.S. tons of paper are used world-wide each year and that number keeps rising.
To answer your second question, yes, paper can be made without trees. Many paper products today are being made from partially or totally recycled paper, so we all can help by recycling and reusing paper. Fortunately, there are now 45 countries that are making paper using alternative materials. For example, paper is now being made from hemp, bark of banana trees, cotton, straw, kenaf (a type of hibiscus), mango, jute and, believe or not, elephant poop and birds’ nests.
Historically, we have used some of these alternate practices for making paper. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams all grew hemp and Benjamin Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. According to the, up until the 1880’s, 75% – 90% of all paper in the world was made from hemp. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper. The final version of the Declaration was not written on hemp, however, but on parchment made from animal skin. It is currently on display in the National Archives.
Dear Recycle Lady,
I have driven by a scrap metal business on Route 60 near Caldwell. What kind of metal materials do they take?
Metal Recycler
Dear Metal Recycler,
There are two scrap metal businesses on Route 60 near Caldwell – Boggs Scrap Yard and S. S. Belcher Co. They accept most metals, but not paper, plastics or cardboard. There is more information about both of these businesses, including phone numbers, on the web.
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.