Dear Recycle Lady,
I have been cleaning out my desk drawers and shredding some of the documents. Most of the documents are printed on white office paper, but some of them are printed on glossy paper. Can glossy paper be shredded and mixed with white office paper?
Dear Shredder,
Shredding documents is an excellent way to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud. Sensitive information such as social security numbers, credit card statements, bank statements, personal data, and some business documents all need the protection offered by shredding. The documents printed on white office paper that you have shredded are recyclable at the Recycling Center. Just bag all your shredded paper and add it to the bin marked specifically for shredded paper. However, documents printed on glossy paper can’t be mixed with shredded office paper as glossy paper is coated with synthetic chemicals that would contaminate the shredded office paper. If your glossy paper documents are not confidential, they can be recycled with magazines.
If you have a large number of confidential documents, shredding them can be quite time-consuming. Have you considered bringing them to the Recycling Center for shredding? Confidential documents brought to the Recycling Center for shredding are treated with great care. There is no charge for this service and there is no possibility of anyone putting those documents back together after shredding. Documents are locked up in a one-entrance, no windows room until time to be shredded. After they are shredded,they are mixed with the shredded documents that have been brought to the Center, bailed and later sent to the processor. Recycled shredded paper can be made into packaging material to replace non-eco-friendly packing peanuts, made it into paper towel rolls or cardboard boxes. Shredded paper can also be added to your compost pile as it is a good source of carbon and adds brown material to your compost. Paper decomposes quickly so your sensitive information is truly destroyed.
Dear Recycle Lady,
What is shrinkflation?
More New Terminology
Dear More New Terminology,
Shrinkflation is the practice of reducing the size or the quantity of a product, while the price of the product remains the same or increases only slightly. Shrinkflation is widely used today due to higher production costs, ingredients, or raw materials and intense market competition. According to, shrinkflation is a form of hidden inflation and is a common practice among large producers. The food and beverage industry uses shrinkflation as a way to deal with increased costs by suppliers and the availability of substitutes. For example, Coca-Cola’s 2-liter bottles were reduced to 1.75 liters, Tetley Tea Co. reduced their boxes of 100 tea bags to 88 tea bags and Kraft reduced the weight of Toblerone bars from 200 grams to 170 grams, all without a reduction in price. Both European and North American markets are using this strategy to keep their prices competitive, without reducing their profits.
Great News: The Monroe County WVU Extension Office is sponsoring a Pesticide Pick-up at the State Fair Grounds on June 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call your WVU County Extension Office to register or go to the link HTTPS://BIT.LY/SEWVPESTICIDE to register. (Use all capital letters)
Monroe: 304-772-3003, Mercer: 304-425-3079 ,
Nicholas: 304-872-7898, Greenbrier: 304-647-7408,
Summers: 304-466-7113, Fayette:304-574-4253,
Pocahontas: 304-799-4852, Raleigh: 304-255-9321
Accepting pesticides, herbicides & insecticides
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.