On Mar. 17, students at Ronceverte Elementary School participated in a workshop via Carnegie Hall Creative Classrooms titled “Through the Window.”
“This workshop was developed as a creative way for students to explore math and art concepts, such as shape, patterns, symmetry, asymmetry, color theory and design,” said Creative Classrooms instructor Carli Mareneck.
Mareneck guided the students through exercises to help them focus before and after the workshop. Time was provided for the students to explore with a partner the geometric shapes for symmetry and asymmetry designs and colors. Mareneck provided multiple geometric designs for each student to choose from, along with a variety of colored markers to use to make their “stained glass” window.
When the students finished coloring their window, Mareneck and second grade teacher Deborah Johnson helped them put their design into a frame to take home the following week. Framed windows were displayed in the classroom’s windows for several days and then taken home by the students. “I can’t wait to have Mrs. Mareneck back next year. This workshop went right along with my math and geometry lessons and my students loved it,” said Johnson
Students provided positive feedback on the program: “This was so much fun Mrs. Johnson, when can we do it again?” “I loved making the designs with a partner!” “I think everyone in our class did a good job, Mrs. Johnson!”
“Through the Window” is one of several Carnegie Creative Classroom presentations underwritten by Greenbrier County Schools and other supporters. More information on these programs is available from Carnegie Hall Education Director Leah Trent at 304-645-7017 (ext. 116) or at info@carnegiehallwv.org.