Construction on the public sewer extension project in the Echols Acres subdivision located north of the City of Lewisburg is scheduled to begin in late June. The extension will serve over 200 homes and have more than 19,000 linear feet of piping along with two pumping stations.
Greenbrier Public Service District No. 1 awarded the contract to Lynch Construction Company from White Sulphur Springs, whose bid of $1.7 million was the lowest of five bids submitted. The company is a family owned business with over 70 years of experience with both large and small projects in West Virginia and Virginia.
The project is being funded through investment grade municipal bonds. The District was able to obtain an A- long-term rating from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings. The rating reflects a combination of strong enterprise and financial risk profiles. Due to sound operational practices and policies, there will be no increase in customer rates to pay for the cost of the extension.
The extension is the first part of a multi-phase project to provide service to six established neighborhoods around the Lewisburg area. Completion of the multi-phase project will ultimately serve over 540 new customers and help alleviate environmental concerns related to failing septic systems. Criss Haynes, P.E. out of Lewisburg is the design engineer for the project.
Under the contract, the extension is to be completed in 14 months. The District asks for patience from the residents as the construction moves forward. The contractor will work with the property owners living in the construction zone to minimize disruption and to maintain access to their properties. Motorists are asked to observe all traffic control signs and use caution while traveling through work zones.
Following completion of the extension, the District will notify homeowners when connections to the system may begin. Any questions regarding the extension should be directed to Greenbrier Public Service District No. 1 at 304-645-6632.