Each day in West Virginia, licensed domestic violence programs provide services to nearly 500 women, children, and men. Children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to face a broad range of challenges compared to other children. Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County is partnering with the Child and Youth Advocacy Center and Wellspring of Greenbrier, Inc. for their December community training, “Domestic Violence and Our Youth: Awareness and Prevention.” Participants will learn about the prevalence of domestic violence in our state, the impact it has on our children, and how they can play a role in preventing domestic violence. Roger Lockridge, program coordinator at the Child and Youth Advocacy Center in Lewisburg, is presenting the training. Roger Lockridge is the first man in West Virginia to serve a Domestic Violence Program as a speaking survivor, staff member, and member of the Board of Directors.
The training is open to parents, faith groups, youth-oriented volunteers, and all those caring for our youth. The training will be offered Tuesday, Dec. 10 at the Child and Youth Advocacy Center in Lewisburg. If you, or your group, would like to attend either training, please reply to CISGC at 304-520-4938 or kgroover@cisgc.org.
Established in January 2004, Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County is a nonprofit stay-in-school organization dedicated to surrounding students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Through support from the United Way of the Greenbrier Valley, Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County’s provides monthly trainings for adults working with youth.