Dens to perform at Rhema June 18
Rhema Christian Center presents the music group Dens for a donation-based fundraising concert in support of the NOAH Foundation on Saturday, June 18, at 6 p.m. The NOAH (Now Our Angels are in Heaven) Foundation is a local nonprofit organization that helps families who have lost a child. For more information contact Rhema at 304-645-6999 or go to the NOAH Foundation website:
Frankford Churches’
Vacation Bible School 2022
Frankford Presbyterian and United Methodist Churches invite all children age 3 through 5th grade (completed) to a Food Truck Party where we will be “On a Roll with God” at Vacation Bible School! This party includes Bible stories, crafts, music and recreation that will help children turn to God for all they need and join God in providing for the needs of others. The party runs from Monday, June 20 through Friday, June 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each evening at Frankford United Methodist Church. Learn more about Food Truck Party VBS by calling Debbie Fogus at 304-497-2465 or Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-645-4568.
VBS at Williamsburg
Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church will have Vacation Bible School June 20-24 from 6-8 p.m. for youth age 4-middle school. The theme is Monumental, celebrating God’s Greatness. Games, singing, imagination station activities and more. Friday night at 7 o’clock will be the final program. Information: 304-667-9288.
Pastor Denver Tiller
Retirement Celebration
Pastor Denver Tiller from Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church will be retiring after 15 years at the church. His last service will be Sunday, June 26 at the 11 o’clock service. Special music will be by Aaron Green. A covered dish meal will follow the service. Everyone is invited to attend.
Summer Jam at Rhema
Rhema Christian Center will host Summer Jam-Make Waves, from Monday, June 27, through Friday, July 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon for children age 3 years through 5th grade. Breakfast and lunch will be free and provided by the Summer Food Program. Join us for a fun filled week that includes games, crafts, stories and singing! To register please go to For any questions please call the church office at 304-645-6999.
Vacation Bible School at
Pence Springs Community Church
VBS will be held at the Pence Springs Community Church July 11-15, from 6 to 8 p.m. nightly. All ages welcome!