Alderson Main Street is once again sponsoring a home and business decorating contest for the holidays. Houses and businesses within the town limits will be observed on Wednesday, Dec. 7, between 6 and 8 p.m. Owners are asked to have all their lights and decorations turned on during this time. The judges will select home decoration winners in a variety of categories such as Most Festive Door; Gem of the Hills; Spirit of Christmas; Best Nativity; Children’s Fantasy; and Old Fashioned Christmas. Winning businesses will be selected in two categories: large and small.
As part of the Gem of the Hills Holiday Celebration everyone is encouraged to decorate for the season. No registration is required for the contest. The judges will visit every street in town.
Winners will receive a certificate and a temporary yard sign declaring them a contest winner. Winners will be announced on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Alderson-Main-Street-594432723925664 on Dec. 9. Please come to Alderson and drive around to enjoy our decorations first hand!