By Peggy Mackenzie
Lewisburg City Council agreed to table indefinitely a proposal to allow residents to raise domestic chickens within city limits. While some council members initially expressed interest in the proposal, upon delving deeper into the issues, they were confronted by questions of enforcement on the number of fowl, health, cleanliness, and noise and predator concerns.

During the lengthy Tuesday night virtual meeting, the discussion – for the third month in a row- wound down to the regulatory challenges the prospect presented. A loose survey of City residents also showed the council members that a majority were not in support of the idea, which was originally presented by Council member Sarah Elkins as an election campaign promise.
In other City business:
- A proposal was made by Public Works Director Roger Pence to move the City maintenance operations and equipment from its current site on Feamster Road, next to Dorie Miller Park, and relocate it more conveniently on-site with the water department. The two departments share supplies, vehicles, crews, funds and facilities. The land on which the maintenance building sits was originally designated as part of Dorie Miller Park’s parkland. Pence’s recommendation would be an opportunity for the City to give the parklands back to the citizens, while also consolidating efficiency within City departments, and estimating a new maintenance structure at $200,000. “It could take two to three years, but it’s a start to consider,” said Pence.
- As the way we work has changed with this pandemic, the employees at City Hall, like many of us, are working from home, the need to maintain effective interaction and connection with residents has increased as well. The City Council approved purchasing a workplace productivity software called Formstack, which promises to ease and simplify customer business interactions with City Hall. “This will be a huge adjustment for the water department, with O-school students coming and going,” said Interim City Manager Misty Hill. The software will soon be accessible on the City’s website.