The Catholic Charities of West Virginia joined with the Alleghany Highlands Council 8689 Knights of Columbus in donating 25 backpacks to the White Sulphur Springs Food Pantry headquartered in the Neal Parker Center of the Emanuel United Methodist Church in downtown White Sulphur Springs.
Carol Bailey, regional director for the Southern Region of Catholic Charities of WV, headquartered in Princeton, presented the Grand Knight of the Alleghany Highlands Council, Perk Berry of White Sulphur Springs, with the backpacks which were fully supplied for a successful start to the new school year which began Aug. 6 in Greenbrier County.
The presentation took place at the Greenbrier County Outreach office of Catholic Charities which is located on West Main Street in White Sulphur Springs and is open Tuesdays through Thursdays.
The backpacks will be distributed to students in need through the Food Pantry which is supported by the various churches in the greater White Sulphur Springs area, noted Berry who added, “The Knights of Columbus support all area food pantries in one way or another and we are pleased to associate with Catholic Charities of WV because of their standing of helping more people annually than any other social service group in West Virginia, other than the state itself.”
To provide financial or food or school supply support to the White Sulphur Springs Community Food Pantry to help those in need, contact the Emanuel United Methodist Church at 304-536-1291 or any of the participating churches in the White Sulphur Springs area.