Registration is now open for Carnegie Hall’s 31st Annual Kids’ College, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 8 – 12 (week one) and July 15-19 (week two). This year’s program is open to rising kindergarten through seventh-grade students.
Kids’ College is a unique opportunity for children to expand their artistic and scientific horizons in a safe and nurturing environment. All classes, taught by trained teaching artists, are held in Carnegie Hall. Children can take classes in pottery, origami, baking, leather craft, cooking, fashion, music, theatre, felting, and more.
The cost of Kids’ College is $150 for half days or $300 for full days, for rising 2nd through 7th grade students, per week. Rising kindergarten through 1st grade students can enroll for morning classes at $175 per week. Scholarships are available thanks to United Way of Greenbrier Valley and generous individual donors. To apply, indicate you would like a scholarship application when you enroll your child.
To sign up to volunteer for Carnegie Hall’s Kids’ College, visit carnegiehallwv.com/education/kids-college and follow the “Volunteer for Kids’ College” link. Volunteer placement is first-come, first-served and may be influenced by instructor requests and enrollment factors. Adults that volunteer are eligible for a 10 percent discount off their student’s tuition.
Register at www.carnegiehallwv.org. Class sizes are limited, so register early. Student families will be notified of their child’s schedule before the beginning of Kids’ College.Paper brochures are also available at the Carnegie Hall Box Office. For more information, contact Education Director Harmony Flora at 304-645-7917.