American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 members were among those honored at the Veteran’s Day event held at Eastern Greenbrier High School. The event featured the Vietnam Memorial Mobile Wall with the names of West Virginian’s who were killed during the Vietnam War. The Mobile Wall was set up in the gymnasium along with honored seating for local veterans and their families. The event featured the choir singing our national anthem, the emotionally moving and expertly choreographed ceremony known as “The Table Set for One,” which is dedicated to all POW/MIA military personnel, and the military songs of each branch of military services was played. Under the direction of Major Pickenpaugh, Staff Sergeant Lefty Smith and Instructor Jerry Long, the JROTC members orchestrated the event which honored each and every Veteran whom attended with the announcement of each name and their branch of military service flag salute. To the many businesses, schools and other establishments that took the time to honor and contribute to all our local veterans, we heartfelt fully thank you very much.
Another event American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 engages in during the Veteran’s Day commemorative time is the distribution of the Flanders Field Red Poppies. These poppies are not sold, they are distributed or given away. American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated funds for the Legion Post during this time of remembrance. The Red Poppies are a symbol of great loss of life during war. After the Great War or WWI, the battled fields in France and Belgium were devastated by artillery bombardment But in the spring the fields begin to bloom with the red field poppy. The sight of these delicate, vibrant red flowers growing on the shattered ground caught the attention of a Canadian soldier by the name of John McCrae. He wrote a poem which reflected, in spite of devastation and loss of life, the fields still bloomed with the red poppies marking the burial place of the many who lost their lives. American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 would like to also extend their thanks for Wal-Mart for allowing our Post to distribute the poppies at their establishment.
The City of Ronceverte will again have their annual Christmas parade on Monday, Dec. 1 beginning at 7 p.m. Before the parade businesses within the city will be holding an Open House for a couple hours before the parade beginning at 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 will be participating in the Open House event at the Clifford Armory. I urge everyone to come by and visit with Post #26 members. We will be having a display of each of the dress uniforms from the five branches of military service. We will be serving hot chocolate, cookies and giving out candy canes. The Armory is located on Edger Avenue and very easy to find. For more information call 304-661-4979.