On Oct. 22, American Legion Greenbrier Post 26 had a great time at Bob Evans Restaurant. Bob Evans Restaurant offers a Support the Community event day on any scheduled Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bob Evans corporate office prints flyers for the fundraising organization to copy and distribute among friends, families, neighbors, etc. When the flyers are turned in by a customer at checkout time, a percentage of the sale is donated to the fundraising organization. Manager Thomas Vallandingham, is extremely helpful and cooperative with any and all organizations involved in this fundraising activity. American Legion Greenbrier Post 26 is very grateful for the opportunity to learn, experience, and receive from the Bob Evans Restaurant’s Support the Community activity.
American Legion Greenbrier Post 26 not only worked hard to solicit patrons to visit Bob Evans Restaurant on the 22nd and purchase a meal, our Legion Post’s members also had a very enjoyable time engaging with the restaurant staff and management. Everyone who participated that day was rewarded with a very good meal as well as being served by competent, efficient staff members. The American Legion Greenbrier Post 26 gives a great big “Thank You” to Bob Evans for sponsoring and donating to the American Legion Greenbrier Post 26’s fun-raiser.