By Brenda Boykin
Town council approved that the Trick or Treat hours for Alderson will be Friday, Oct. 31 from 6 until 8 p.m. at the homes where the front porch lights are on.
An official approval was granted by council to allow Mayor Travis Copenhaver to pay the bills for the town and present the council with a report of the monthly expenditures, as well as the budget summary every month. The council can question the expenditures and the budget at the meetings.
Council passed the agreement to accept a $1, 997,120.20 grant for the West Virginia Senate Bill 245 Waste Water treatment plant project. By accepting the grant, the project has to be completed in 3 years. The total estimated cost of the project is $5, 494, 224.
A presentation was given by WV Your concerning the internet services they offer. No decision was made concerning the proposed offer.
Mayor Copenhaver is dealing with the annual renewal of the town’s liability insurance in trying to lower the proposed $54,000 premium by lowering the value of some items based on current value and including replacement cost coverage on the town’s real properties. This process should be completed and the final premium determined by the next meeting.