Alderson Main Street and the Town of Alderson, with help from other organizations, churches and groups, have announced a schedule of activities for the Holiday Season in Alderson. While the excitement builds toward Christmas and then the New Year, many people contribute to the merry-making.
Starting on Friday, Dec. 1, with the Annual Christmas Parade, (line up at 6 on Virginia Street and step off at 7 p.m.) the town will ring with music provided by the Greenbrier East High School and Eastern Greenbrier Middle School bands. Santa will ride on the Alderson Volunteer Fire Department’s truck and greet the children at the AVFD building on Railroad Avenue. The Queen of Lights will dazzle everyone with her magic as she turns on the lights along the route.
Special thanks to the Town of Alderson staff who put up the arches, greenery, and bulbs on the Alderson Memorial Bridge each year. This tradition goes back at least 50 years and was originally conceived by Gretis Roles McVey.
Almost all the lamp posts in Alderson have been adopted by a business, person, or group and will be decorated in a holiday theme. The creativity of these decorations is amazing to see and will be there through the end of the year.
The Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church will add to the festivities with their annual bazaar and soup and sandwich meals. Available for $8 on Friday, Dec. 1 from 4-7; Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9-3; and Sunday, Dec. 3 from noon-3, this delicious tradition will warm you up.
Children of all ages will enjoy the model trains in the Historic 1896 C&O Train Depot on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 10-4. Coordinated by Lee Skaggs, this show will make everyone’s eyes sparkle. Photos with Santa by Sheena Pendley will be available there from 2 to 4 p.m. for a donation to Alderson Main Street.
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, the Old Greenbrier Baptist Church will host a live nativity at 7 p.m.
On Sunday, Dec. 10 at 1 and again at 3, one of the most cherished traditions in Alderson will occur at the Old Victorian Inn – the Annual Christmas Tea. Once again musicians Leah and Roger Trent will offer beautiful seasonal music as guests sip hot tea and enjoy scones, sandwiches, and sweets. Tickets are only available at the Alderson Artisan’s Gallery on Railroad Avenue. Call or visit to check availability.
Alderson Main Street is once again sponsoring a holiday home and business decorating contest. Homes and businesses within the town limits will be observed on Monday, Dec. 11 between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. and are asked to have all their lights and decorations turned on during this time. The judges will select home decoration winners in a variety of categories such as Gem of the Hills; Spirit of Christmas; Best Nativity; Children’s Fantasy; and Old Fashioned Christmas. Winning businesses will be selected in two categories: large and small.No registration is required for the contest. The judges will visit every street inside the town limits.
Winners will receive a temporary yard sign and certificate declaring them a contest winner and will be announced on face book at https://www.facebook.com/Alderson-Main-Street-594432723925664 by Wednesday, Dec. 13. Signs will be collected after Christmas.
Another beloved tradition is the Community Christmas Cantata at the Old Greenbrier Baptist Church to be held on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. followed by a social time in the Fellowship Hall. Directed by Dell Wood with accompanist Nancy Wood, this event creates an opportunity to hear beautiful music celebrating the reason for the season and wish a Merry Christmas to friends and neighbors.
Finally, on New Year’s Eve, and sponsored by Alderson Main Street, the Alderson Volunteer Fire Department, and the James F. B. Peyton Foundation, a fireworks display at 7:30 p.m. can be best seen from the Alderson Memorial Bridge. This family friendly celebration allows the youngsters to participate in something special and still gives the adults time to celebrate later. Hot dogs, hot drinks, and more will be available from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Morgan Meadows Farm Store in the Renaissance Building at the Greenbrier end of the bridge.
AMS President Don Sutherland said, “We are excited to offer all these wonderful opportunities to celebrate the season. Thanks to all those whose sponsorships and hard work made these events possible.”