By Adam Pack
The Greenbrier County Airport Authority met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, Apr. 18, at the West State Fairgrounds Conference Room at 2 p.m. to discuss updates and suggestions for various types of work being done at LWB airport.
John McCalmont of Parrish & Partners Engineering was present to give an update on the status of the rehabilitation of the airport’s runway, as well as give counsel on the best course of action regarding a renovation of the main terminal.
McClamont first reviewed progress with the airport’s runway, stating, “Generally speaking, we’re having a surveyor out tomorrow to do a final assessment of the area and just make sure that our reports and our designs are accurate and stay in line with what we’ve been saying and previous estimates. As of now, we’re very confident that the estimates we’ve given before should still be accurate.”
McCalmont also reported that the preliminary numbers from the architectural firm working with the airport on terminal renovations are in, and made it clear to the authority that it would be in their best interest to, “set up a committee, or maybe even start meeting as an entire board, whatever we have to do, to get this process started while we’re within this grant cycle.”
McCalmont underscored his urgency by relaying his experience with work like this and the timetable involved. “You can basically say that from the initial awarding of the grant, which comes after writing and submitting and waiting on review, you can add six months; after that you can add a year of design work, and you can add to that another year before construction can even begin.”
Members of the authority were curious about the potential of the renovations to the pivot and modulate based on the needs of the airport. McCalmont responded that, “For years, we’ve had this plan in place and it’s had multiple goals; one, to increase the space for seating in the terminal, of course, but another was to increase training facilities, so that is paramount for the facility renovations.” Interim Airport Director Martha Livesay added, “Our guys have to go through various training throughout the year, and they’re doing that in a small office and can only do it five or six people at a time, and it just takes forever.”
Lastly, Livesay announced that the new entrance sign was delivered last Monday, and that stone work began last Thursday. “This should be done by the end of the week, at which time it can be placed and hooked up to electricity. So far it looks really good, and we’re really pleased with it.”
The Greenbrier County Airport Authority meets monthly. An agenda detailing meeting times, place, and topics of discussion can be acquired by emailing georgeann@gvairport.com