“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.”
– Dale Evans
There’s not a lot of time before it really is Christmas, and Penny Pitch is still well below our goal and far from the funding we need to serve all of our families. Please reach in your hearts and put love into action by donating today. We need you all.
You can mail a donation to 383 Alderson Street in Lewisburg, or drop your donation off at the Mountain Messenger at 860 Court Street North in Lewisburg. If you prefer to give online, you can give through the PayPal button on our Facebook page, “Penny Pitch, Greenbrier County WV.”
We are deeply grateful for the donations we have received so far.
146.39 Josh Polan
100.00 In memory of Mollie
100.00 Jim & Jeane Fullen
50.00 Genevieve Taylor
100.00 Edward & Karen Lemons
100.00 In memory of Calvin & Delphia Lemons
200.00 David & Beverly Johnson
100.00 James C. Crews
100.00 In memory of Onyx by Curtis & Doris Scruggs
200.00 Greenbrier Better Living & Thrift Store
10.61 Anonymous
25.00 In memory of Edgar W. & Dorothy R. Napier
300.00 Mount Vernon M E Church (Ronceverte)
100.00 Tim Holbrook
50.00 In memory of Kendall Baker
100.00 Paul & Mary Lindquist
100.00 Mary Edgar Bobbitt
500.00 Julian & Martha Meadows
500.00 George W Little
5,000.00 Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
200.00 In memory of Steve King from Sue
30.00 Shirley Sexton
206.46 Robert Harris
TOTAL $19,948.46