Emmanuel Open Bible Church
invites the public to the Live Nativity Drive Thru. The drive thru will take visitors from the angel telling Mary that she will bring forth the Messiah to the birth of Jesus in the manger. There are 10 live scenes telling the story of the birth of Jesus with live characters and animals. Visitors do not have to leave the warmth of their vehicles: however, visitors can park their vehicles and walk through if they wish. The event will take place Dec. 5-7, Friday-Sunday, from 6-8 p.m. Families, youth groups, and individuals are welcome. The church is located in Maxwelton, 1.6 miles on Vago Road off Route 219. Follow the stars. The event is free to the public. For more information, call 304-497-2308.
Fairlea Presbyterian Church of Fairlea
will host a Christkindlmarkt Saturday, Dec. 6. A Christkindlmarkt (which means Christ child market in German) is an Old World Christmas Market which marks the beginning of Advent and continues until Christmas, and whose roots began in Europe in the Middle Ages as a market where locals could come together to sell their wares. In the same tradition, our market will have available, unique gifts and crafts, edible crafts and other foodies and some entertainment. We will feature The Wurst Cafe at the Market, serving hot dogs, German and American style, provided by the Western Greenbrier Rotary Club. At around 12 noon, we will be visited by Santa Claus. The Fairlea Presbyterian Church is located across from the State Fair’s main entrance on Route 219 North, and the hours of the Market are 8 a.m., until 5 p.m. We will be collecting canned goods for the local food pantry and will provide a drop box at the door.
New River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
service Sunday, Dec. 7 will begin at 11 am. Visitors are welcome to attend. The Fellowship is located at 911 South Kanawha Street, Beckley.
Salem Presbyterian Church
invites you to their annual Christmas Advent Worship Service, concluded with a Candlelight Service Sunday, Dec. 7, beginning at 6 p.m., with Jimmy Allder as the guitarist. Jackie Goodall and Bill Zimmerman will provide special music. This is a service to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Light refreshments and fellowship will follow the service. Everyone is welcome to attend. Salem Presbyterian Church is located on Route 219, South, in the community of Organ Cave. Rev. Ben Gurley is the Stated Supply Pastor of both Salem and McLean Presbyterian Churches.
Greenbrier Valley Aglow Community Lighthouse
holds its monthly meeting the third Monday of the month in Lewisburg. For more information, please call 304-445-7742 or 304-667-9869. Aglow International is an Inter-denominational group of women and men whose vision is to carry the truth of the kingdom that restores people to a radiant place of relationship with God and one another.