Members of the Lewisburg House and Garden Club were welcomed to the home of Peggy Brown on Oct. 23. Judy Deegans was her co-hostess. The dining room table burst with the color and aroma of pumpkin pies, fruit, cheeses and crackers. Peggy always has everyone’s favorite Halloween candy corn mixed with nuts.
The meeting was called to order by President Marit Withrow. Sharon Holladay, chair of the Nominating Committee, put forth the slate of officers for 2025 with Marit Withrow as President, Barbara Hiltner as Second Vice President, and Jennifer Davis as the Corresponding Secretary. The election of the nominees was called, and they were elected unanimously. The new officers take office on Jan. 1, 2025.
The program was presented by Stacy Vincent on decorative winter container arrangements. It was a beautiful fall day and her demonstration of constructing an attractive arrangement was done on the patio. Stacy began with some stunning magnolia branches with pink seedpods. She told members how to protect and preserve the branches of fresh curly willow, dried Siberian iris seedpods, and evergreens that she added to the arrangement. Stacy demonstrated how other interesting branches, sticks and dried flowers could be added. It was an informative and entertaining demonstration.
The next meeting of the Club will be on Nov. 20 when they gather to decorate Carnegie Hall for the Holidays.