The General Andrew Lewis Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), held their September meeting at the lovely historic Lewisburg home of Mimi deOlloqui-Turner, with Dr. Gretchen Lovett as co-hostess. The members were celebrating Constitution Week.
A proclamation by the Greenbrier County Commission recognizing Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week was prepared by member Deborah Phillips. The White Sulphur Springs Public Library hosted a display of history books and distributed bookmarks commemorating Constitution Week 2024.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a nonprofit, nonpolitical women’s service organization whose main objectives are historic preservation, education and patriotism. Members are all lineal descendants of those who supported the cause of independence in the Revolutionary War back in 1776. If you are interested in the Daughters of the American Revolution, call Registrar Sandra Cowan at 681-215-5303 in the afternoon.