The Progressive CEOS met on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, at the Extension Office. A meditation poem by Robert Frost about fall was read by President Patty Gray. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Lynn Humphreys with a balance of $260.94. The Minutes from the August 2024 meeting were read by Betty Jo McNeel and approved.
President Patty Gray reported that the Fall Leadership Day will be Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Rhema Christian Center. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.
President Patty Gray presented the program “Home Grown: Appalachian Crafts from the Past.” Patty brought from her Appalachian crafts a cornhusk doll, clay pottery, cherrywood twizzers, clothes pin recipe holder, quilling of a flower, and other items including a basket. Patty presented each member with a pot holder weaving loom item.
Patty stated that Appalachian arts and crafts were a result of need. Today, many of these skills such as sewing, weaving, woodworking, candle making, glass blowing are seen as crafts from the past, with only a select few people maintaining the skills and expertise to carry them out.
The next meeting will be Oct. 8 at the residence of Patty Gray. We will have an auction to raise money for our fundraiser.
Refreshments were served by hostess Sally Holliday to members Lynn Humphreys, Patty Gray, Betty Jo McNeel, and Colleen Walton.