The Lewisburg House and Garden Club held their July meeting on Wednesday, July 24 at the Native Plant Nursery of Appalachian Headwaters which is located at Wood Thrush Nursery on US Route 60 west of Lewisburg. The park is also the site of Appalachian Headwaters’ newly established pollinator and native plant gardens. It is a well-designed and laid out park which is made up of 160 acres of forests, streams and meadows.
President Marit Withrow called the meeting to order and introduced speaker Bella Walker who is the Native Plant Manager of Appalachian Headwaters. The meeting was held in the pavilion adjacent to the high tunnel greenhouse and a smaller nursery area. She spoke about the mission of Appalachian Headwaters which is a not-for-profit organization promoting ecological restoration and environmental education. A day camp for youngsters was being held in the main building which also houses a fully-equipped ecology teaching laboratory. They have a large list of native plants that are available for purchase by the public.
Four prospective members were introduced along with reports from other committees. Barb Hiltner and Dee Dotson served as hostesses.