The Progressive CEOS met on Mar. 12 at the Extension Office. Members attending were Elsie Dunkle, Patty Gray, Lynn Humphreys, Sally Holliday, Betty Jo McNeel, and Colleen Walton. President Patty Gray opened the meeting with a meditation and thanked all members for their attendance. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Betty Jo McNeel and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given by Lynn Humphreys reporting a balance of $277.19. Patty Gray suggested that as members of CEOS we contribute $1 per member to the Bee-Cause program to provide educational pathways to making real world connections between bees and ecosystems. A motion was made by Lynn Hunphreys and seconded by Sally Holliday that we participate in the program. Patty reminded members to keep count of their volunteer hours for the year to be turned in during the month of August.
Our CEOS members did not meet the months of January and February. Patty reported January Health Motivator was about the importance of taking inventory and keeping healthy numbers of your BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. The February Health Motivator was about relaxing, spending time outdoors in the fresh air, exercise, eating healthy, volunteering and socializing. The March Health Motivator is the importance of good sleep – 7 to 9 hours, avoid caffeine at bed time, sleep in a cool, dark room.
Patty reported, as requested by the WVU Extension Office, that we change the name of our organization CEOS to a shorter, easier name with no more than three words and to send ideas to the Extension Office in Morgantown.
March 19 and 20 will be the 2024 Spring Virtual Conference, if members would like to participate on Zoom.
Lynn Humphreys gave a very interesting program on “Bridging the Gap – Involving Younger Generations in Service.” She stated that Generation X (1965-1981) is participating in volunteerism at a higher rate than other generations, followed by Baby Boomers (1946-1964) in ways to integrate youth into service.
The next CEOS meeting will be Apr. 9 at Patty Gray’s residence. Patty will present the lesson “Restoring and Refinishing Furniture.”
Colleen Walton won the door prize. Refreshments were served by hostess Lynn Humphreys.