Crichton Elementary recently helped celebrate Read Across America Week, also known as Dr. Seuss Week. Reading is so important, especially to a young learner. With so much importance being focused on the Ready, Read, Write West Virginia initiative through the West Virginia Department of Education, staff at Crichton took this opportunity to dive further into reading. The Ready, Read, Write, West Virginia initiative focuses to increase literacy proficiency for all students.
Crichton took time during Read Across America Week to focus on letting students fall “in love” with reading. Books that rhyme always catch a young reader’s attention, so there is no better way to do that than reading a fun tongue twisting Dr. Seuss book!
Parents joined students on Friday for a family engagement activity to celebrate the last day of Read Across America week with their Dr. Seuss and Donuts reading event. Students had a blast participating in all the fun activities this week. Crichton Faculty and staff hope to keep the love of reading alive all year long.