Mayor Travis Copenhaver has announced Friday, Dec. 5 as the day of the Annual Christmas Parade. The parade will line up, beginning at 5 p.m. in front of the Historic 1896 C&O Depot on the Monroe County side of Alderson. The Depot will be open, thanks to dedicated volunteers led by Tom Dameron, for brief warm-ups and bathrooms. At 6:30 p.m., the Queen of Lights will be crowned and she will turn on the lights on the Alderson Memorial Bridge, the Christmas tree on Railroad Plaza, and the star on the old water tower which shines over the town.
After those activities, the parade will begin. There is no advanced sign-up required for parade units but, since Santa has already said he will be in attendance, it is requested that there not be any other portrayals. Any questions about the parade should be directed to City Hall at 304-445-2916.
The parade will move up Railroad Avenue and cross the Alderson Memorial Bridge; proceed up North Monroe Street and around Hemlock Avenue turning right onto Virginia Street and come down to the Alderson Community Center for the Arts and Humanities (ACCAH) where a hot drink and cookies will be available for all thanks to the Alderson Women’s Club and the Board Members of the ACCAH. For the youngsters, there will be an opportunity to meet Santa and the Alderson Lions Club will be coordinating a small treat for them.
Many people and organizations work together to provide this annual spectacle for the young and young at heart. Mayor Copenhaver said, “We have a lot going on in Alderson this Christmas season. Come join us and enjoy all we have to offer.”