The Williamsburg CEOS Club met Oct. 14 at Williamsburg Historical Museum. The meeting was called to order by C.K. Perkins, president and began with a devotional reading by Virginia Hanna including First Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19. A covered dish lunch was enjoyed after recitation of The Lords Prayer.
Members present were C.K. Perkins, Virginia Hanna, Ruth Kreft, Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley and Barbara Deeds. They reported 246 volunteer hours, 173 motivational hours and 30 books read.
Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
Barbara Deeds gave a report on the CEOS Fall Conference which she attended at Jackson’s Mill. She took some informative classes on leadership, marketing and health. She also enjoyed the game nights.
Blanche Knicely gave a report on the Craft Day that she and Barbara Deeds attended Oct. 13 at the WVU Building (WV State Fairgrounds). Crafts were painting barn quilts, candle making and Japanese paper cutting.
Virginia Hanna gave a report on the Fall Leadership Meeting held Sept. 15. Of special interest was the presentation of “Elder Abuse” by Gloria Martin and Jennifer Dent.
Get Well cards were prepared for members of the community to let them know we are wishing better health for them.
Happy Birthday was sung to Blanche Knicely, who celebrated being a year older on October loll.
Plans were made for “Holiday Show and Share” and for the club Christmas Party. There will be follow-up on these at the next meeting.
Lesson “Candlewicking” with a demonstration of the art was presented by Barbara Deeds.
The next meeting will be held Nov. 11 with Blanche Knicely as lesson leader. The lesson will be “Staying Positive in Negative Times.”
The club would welcome new members, so if anyone is interested in joining or wants information about Community Educational Outreach Service, they may contact any of the members or Kay Davis at the WVU Extension Office at 304-647-7408 in Fairlea.