Six members of the Progressive CEOS met at The Extension Office for their March meeting. President Patty Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.
She gave the meditations by remembering Y2K. She showed a picture of the club members on a bus with Patty as the driver that Katie Hampton had fixed. She also read one of Kitty’s Y2K poems.
There were no committee reports. Colleen Walton reminded everyone to continue keeping count of their volunteer hours.
Patty Gray gave the Health Motivator report. This month, the theme was Planning Balanced Meals using portions and all five food groups. She said you are to try and eat all five food groups for all three meals.
Kitty Loudermilk will give the April report.
Colleen Walton brought the traveling basket and Susan McCree took it home with her. She will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
Our next meeting will be at the Extension Office with Lynn Humphreys as the hostess.
Patty Gray gave a very interesting and informative program on West Virginia Women in Baseball. Marcenia “Toni” Stone, Rose Gacioch, and Mary Lou Kolanko were three women who made a name for themselves.
Everyone enjoyed the packaged snacks and water for the refreshments.
Those enjoying the snacks were Jean Foley, Patty Gray, Kitty Loudermilk, Faye Honaker, Susan McCree, and Colleen Walton.