Greenbrier Valley Board of Realtors (BOR) is providing 2022 continuing education courses on Tuesday, Apr. 12, at the WVSOM Conference Center, 400 North Lee Street, Lewisburg.
The speaker and instructor will be Terry Watson, an icon in the real estate training world. He holds a Distinguished Real Estate Instructor title and is known for unique and vibrant presentations. Topics will be “Re-charge, Re-focus and Re-engage” for four hours CEU, and “Avoid Data Security Roadkill” for three hours CEU.
Please contact the Board office at 304-645-1811 or 304-667-2500, or email for more information.
Registration will start at 8 a.m. and classes start at 8:30 a.m. Pastries and coffee will be available during registration. Lunch and an afternoon snack are included.