The Alderson Police Department recently began issuing abatement and ordinance violation notices to town residents, homeowners, property owners, and business owners. These notices were issued for many different violations, and, therefore, have many different remedies. The individual notice stated the nature of the problem and gave the recipient a date by which the problem needed to be corrected. The notices also informed the recipient to contact the issuing officer for more information or if they had any questions. If recipients choose to ignore these initial notices, the complaint may proceed to the next step, which can be criminal sanctions which may require an appearance before a judge.
Mayor Travis Copenhaver said, “Before any notices were issued, the Town authorized members of both the maintenance staff and the police department to participate in a town wide clean-up day on May 26. In connection with the clean-up day the Town arranged for two dumpsters to be placed at the water plant and any town resident, with proper proof of residency, could bring items to the dumpster at no charge. The services of the Town’s employees were offered to residents that were not able to get items to the dumpster themselves. This was a Town wide effort to assist residents in cleaning their property before any notices were issued. Keeping property clean helps everyone with many issues including reduced insects, reduced vermin, and increased property values.”
The recent abatement and ordinance violation notices were issued because of direct complaints, or visible violations noted by the code enforcement officer, town staff, or police patrol. Once a complaint is received either the Town Code Enforcement Officer or a Town Police Officer checks the complaint to verify there is an actual violation of a Town ordinance. After a complaint is verified, the Officer can either speak directly with the responsible party or may choose to issue an abatement or ordinance violation notice giving the Town Ordinance number and a time to remedy the violation.
Chief Rusty Beyer said, “In the month of June, there were approximately 50 notices sent to responsible parties throughout the Town. Please note the Officers are equal enforcement officers and do not discriminate for race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientations, or gender identities.”