The women of the Henning Church of God held their regular monthly meeting in the church fellowship hall on Mar. 11 with the finance committee as hostesses. Carole Spencer presided and Dyan Hefner gave the opening prayer.
Dyan Hefner gave the devotion, “Washed in the Rain” with scripture reference Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. For every time there is a season and in every circumstance material possessions or our health can be taken away, but we always have our memories. We need to make memories every day. She also shared a story about a little girl and her mother waiting out a downpour in Wal-Mart. The little girl wanted to run to their car in the rain, she said, “If God could heal her father of cancer, he could keep them dry in the downpour.” The mother chose to run out in the rain no matter if God kept them dry or not.
Barb Seldomridge gave the missionary education report, “Mysterious Ways,” in which a woman kept hearing a woman calling for help. She called the police several times and eventually she went looking for the source and found a couple three miles away wrecked in a ditch. The police did not believe she could have heard them, but with the Holy Spirit’s help, she could have heard them. We need to be receptive to the Holy Spirit and stop, listen and obey. We need to be guided and also need to witness.
Jamie Harvey gave the financial report and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
The group reported sending 216 cards, making 26 visits and making 60 phone calls. The group was reminded of the Spring Convention to be held in Beckley Apr. 25 and 26 and sponsored by the Crosspoint Church of God. Membership dues will be taken in April for those members wishing to join for another year.
Elections were held and a slate of officers was presented by the nominating committee: Carole Spencer, president; Kim Brookman, vice president; Pauline Perkins, secretary; Jamie Harvey, treasurer; Marty Burns, historian; Bonnie Dodrill and Cindy Fleshman, co-literature reporters; Dyan Hefner, spiritual life; Barb Seldomridge, missionary education; Rosie Blake, correspondence; and Patty Owens and Pauline Perkins, gift buyers.
All committees were ratified.
The next meeting will be held Apr. 8 with Joan Vance and Dyan Hefner as hostesses. Donna Scott gave the closing prayer and Rosie Blake won the door prize.
Attending were: Carole Spencer, Dyan Hefner, Barb Seldomridge, Kim Brookman, Pauline Perkins, Cindy Fleshman, Rosie Blake, Jamie Harvey, Evon Persinger, Betty Lou Byers, Donna Scott, Joan Vance, Jenetta McMillion, Marguerite Scott, Sue Hunt, Shirley Loudermilk, Marty Burns, Carol Spencer and Patty Owens.