Six members of the Progressive CEOS welcomed a new member, April Holmes, when they met at the Extension Office for their March meeting with Colleen Walton as hostess.
Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and introducing April as their new member.
She used as her meditations the Irish Blessing.
Colleen Walton urged everyone to continue keeping count of their volunteer hours. Patty also urged everyone to continue reading and try to read books from the reading lists.
The Motivator Report was on yoga this month and was given by Patty. She said yoga benefits our body both mentally and physically. She led us in a gentle yoga exercise.
She reminded us of a couple of upcoming meetings: Beckley Area Meeting at Lindside on Apr. 16 and Achievement Day in the WVU Building in the fairgrounds on May 13.
Since we are making heart pillows again, she had the pattern and material for these who needed them. She said we would have a stuffing party later.
A get-well card was signed for Mary Liz Richmond who is recuperating at home from a stroke.
Colleen Walton brought the traveling basket and April Holmes took it home with her.
The program, WV Authors, was given by Colleen Walton. She talked on Pearl Buck who wrote “The Good Earth,” Homer Hickman, author of “The Rocket Boys,” Henry Lewis Gates who wrote “Colored People, A Memoir.” She touched on several other authors: Denise Giardma who wrote hysterical fiction, Craig Johnson, Stephen Coonts and Carlene Thompson who wrote suspense and thrillers; Melinda Chambers and Cynthia Ryland who authored children’s stories. There are too many excellent native West Virginia authors to share in this short lesson. She brought several of her own books and several members took them home to read.
The next meeting will be at the Extension Office with Lynn Hunphreys as hostess. She will also have the program – Nature’s Plate Edible Greens.
Those who enjoyed the refreshments were: Jean Foley, Patty Gray, Betty Jo McNeil, Lynn Humphreys and Colleen Walton, hostess. Kitty Loudermilke and April Holmes had to leave early.