The Williamsburg CEOS met May 8 at the Williamsburg Historical Museum.
Members present were Virginia Hanna, Cassandria Perkins, Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley, Laura Rose and Barbara Deeds. Members reported 105 volunteer hours, 203 motivational hours and 27 books read.
The meeting began with Virginia Hanna reading a devotional essay titled “Worship in Spirit and Truth” and scripture from John 4:23.
The treasurer’s report was given by Blanche Knicely. A nice thank you note was received from the Williamsburg Fire Department for a donation given in March.
There was discussion on attending county and area meetings later this month. Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley and Barbara Deeds will attend the area meeting in Meadow Bridge on the 15th. Loretta Shirley and Blanche Knicely will attend the county meeting in Fairlea on the 24th and take two door prizes.
The lesson “Native Americans in West Virginia” was presented by Laura Rose. She spent a lot of time researching her topic and gave a good talk including stories of her own native ancestors. Cassandria Perkins gave each attendee a bead and feather necklace.
Thinking of you and get well cards were prepared for friends and neighbors. Nonperishable foods were collected for a local food pantry. A pot luck lunch was served after the business meeting with a prayer of thanks given by Cassandria Perkins.
The next meeting will be on June 12 at the Williamsburg Historical Museum. Patricia Post will be in charge of the lesson.
If anyone would like information about the CEOS they may contact any club member or call the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea 304-647-7408.