The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met on Saturday, Apr. 21 at Food & Friends. President Barbara Beard called the meeting to order. The theme of the meeting was, “We will be friends forever, just you wait and see.” This came from A. A. Milne’s book, Winnie the Pooh.
Pam Echols led the Delta Kappa Gamma song which was followed by the roll call by Secretary Donna Jackson. Twenty members responded with a characteristic they considered important in a friend.
The Fun Fund was collected; a contribution of 10 cents for every photo displayed at home.
The minutes were distributed and read silently, Nancy Bostic presented the financial report, committees met, and gave their reports.
Updates were given on members who have been unable to attend. Carolyn Bryant visited Vivian Crane in The Seasons, Nancy Ratliff reported that Margaret Clark is permanently in The Brier and that her 90th birthday is in May, and that Hazel Shrader will be 96 on Aug. 24.
New business included Information that was shared about new member nominees. Lynne Bostic informed the members about the preschool Snuggle and Read Program. Greenbrier County fuses the program with Read Aloud West Virginia. Lynne suggested that members donate a book to accompany the fleece blanket. The chapter voted during the March meeting to give the blankets next year.
The summer gathering will be on Saturday, June 16, at 1 p.m. in the Renick Community Center. Those attending should take their new teacher supplies which will be distributed in the fall.
The Nominating Committee proposed the following slate of officers for 2018-2020 and it was approved: Co-Presidents Lucy Bell and Glee Nutter, 1st Vice-President Lynne Bostic, 2nd Vice-President Mary Sue Burns, Co-Recording Secretaries Pam Echols and Donna Jackson, Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary Nancy Bostic and Parliamentarian Barbara Beard.
The new officers will meet Saturday, June 30 at 11 a.m. at the Greenbrier County Board of Education office to plan the next term.
Outgoing President Beard told members she appreciated the help and support she had gotten during her two-year term as president. She shared Rollo candy; the gold and silver wrapper representative of her old and new friends, and the candy; the joys of friendship. She said her two years as president had been an enjoyable challenge.
Carolyn Bryant won the door prize. Mali Minter had the parting thought on friendship with an accumulation of quotations ranging from the serious to the funny: “Words are easy like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find. (Shakespeare) “We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile … then, we’ll be new friends.” (Unknown) The meeting was adjourned.