Pink flags mark the water meters scheduled for immediate replacement by workers from contractor C. I. Thornberg and with the help of the Maintenance Workers from the Town of Alderson.
Nearly half of the town’s more than 700 aging water meters have been replaced by new touch read meters which meet the requirement to eliminate lead from the meters; comply with the 10 year testing guidelines; and more accurately measure the amount of water consumed by customers.
Because of the more accurate measurement, the percent of “unaccounted for” water (water produced at the plant but not sold or otherwise accounted for) should be reduced. The improved accuracy in measurement of water consumed is expected to allow the Water Utility to repay the loan for the meters without raising the water rates for this specific purpose.
Mayor Copenhaver said, “This has been a bigger job than we thought because of all the extra problems we have encountered with our old pipes. However, Town Maintenance Staff Rick Burns and Eric Duff, assisted by Brandon Boyd, have stepped up to make this project work.”
All the installations should be accomplished by soon after the first of the year.