The Lewisburg Rotary Club held their regular meeting last Monday, with guest speaker John Canfield, vice president and counsel with the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce. Canfield discussed challenges faced in the state budget for the 2018 legislative session.
He commented on how Forbes named West Virginia the worst state in the nation for business, something he hopes will change in upcoming years. Issues the state legislation are facing this year include analyzing new tax proposals, dealing with landowner issues in regards to gas drilling and other mineral resources, issues with pipeline construction, and attempting to find solutions for the ongoing opioid crisis in the state. Canfield cited several reports which state that West Virginia has the least educated workforce in the country. He hopes to ensure that graduates, or as he calls them, “our talent pipeline,” are ready for the jobs developing in the 21st century economy.
The next rotary club meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 11, at 12 noon at the Lewisburg Elks Country Club.