The Women of the Henning Church of God gathered on Nov. 14 in the church fellowship hall for their regular monthly meeting. Carole Spencer presided, and Bonnie Dodrill led in prayer. Dyan Hefner, spiritual life director, gave the devotion. She shared about tied with heart strings. This is celebrated the day before Thanksgiving by giving an apron with homemade items wrapped in it, along with a note of encouragement to someone in need. The aprons were made by Priscilla Cook and Scarlett Zicafoose with some.of the material that belonged to Esther Minter, a member of the church who passed away last year.
She also shared about a count your blessings Thanksgiving survey with scripture reference from I Chronicles 16:34. It gave members a chance to think about how they praise God and how often.
Bonnie Dodrill, missionary education co-chair, shared about “Comfort in Difficult Times” written by Missy VanBuren from Hospice with scripture reference from I Peter 5:6-7 and 10. The change in seasons can bring a change in mood and especially if there has been a loss of a loved one recently. This is called seasonal grief. Grieving the loss of a loved one can take a year or longer to start to feel normal. Some grief-related problems can include loss of concentration, feeling guilty and being angry to name a few. During this time, the grieving person needs support, caring and lots of love.
Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report, and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes. The group reported sending 120 cards and making 18 visits and 38 phone calls.
Carole thanked the group for their hard work with apple butter, making pies and preparing dinner for the Junior Spencer family. The group made 388 apple and pumpkin pies. She reminded the group about the free community Thanksgiving Dinner to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 22, from 4-7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
The next meeting will be held Dec. 5. This will be the group’s Christmas celebration and secret pals will be revealed. Dyan Hefner dismissed in prayer.
Attending were: Alice Coff, August Hefner, Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Bonnie Dodrill, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Evon Persinger, Jamie Harvey, Joan Vance, Marty Burns, Marsha Merritt, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Shirley Loudermilk, and Rosie Blake.