The women of the Henning Church of God gathered on July 11 in the church fellowship hall for their monthly meeting.
Carole Spencer presided and Alice Coff gave the opening prayer. Scarlett Zicafoose gave the devotion, “A Hat For Ivan,” with scripture reference to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Each of us wears many hats at different times in our lives. Some hats are not intended for us to wear and that is why when we put on a new hat, we should be on speaking terms with the Father.
Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes. The group reported sending 99 cards, making 17 visits and 25 phone calls.
The group will be sponsoring Vacation Bible School which will be held Aug. 3-6. The group was reminded of the upcoming Yard and Bake Sale to be held on Saturday, Sept. 9.
The next meeting will be held on Aug. 8 and Dyan Hefner dismissed in prayer.
Attending were: August Hefner, Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Evon Persinger, Jamie Harvey, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Shirley Loudermilk, Sue Hunt, Rosie Blake, Alice Coff, Scarlett Zicafoose and Marsha Merritt.