The Carnegie Hall Guild Held a fundraiser to buy recorders for students to play with the James Madison Orchestra and upgrade the lighting in the Old Stone Room.
A delightful tea was held at the Elks club. Eight tables were beautifully set with china and personal displays. The settings were created by Diane Ellison, Rebecca Gaujot, Nancy Greenstreet, Suzanne Horst with Boots Tuckwiller, Katie Ickes with Phyllis Crickenberger, Janie Kirk, Mary Lindquist and Barbara Tuckwiller.
A delicious three courses of appetizers, sandwiches and dessert were prepared by Lee Ann of Blackwells. The food was served by student chefs from the Davis Stuart culinary class.
Entertainment was provided by Elizabeth Spangler. She took the audience back to 1903 through the character of Virginia Brown, when after a disastrous fire to the Ladies Finishing Institute, Carnegie Hall was constructed with donations from the community and Andrew Carnegie.
Cheer, good food and charming entertainment were enjoyed in support of Carnegie Hall Guild’s mission to support Carnegie Hall and all it means to our community.