White Sulphur Springs Main Street is proud to announce our first Farmer’s Market. Coordinated by Martha Snider, we are proud to be involved in creating a fresh food marketplace connecting the WSS community with healthy foods and fun events.
Open to large scale producers or backyard gardeners alike, all that is required is for the food or produce to be homegrown or homemade in accordance with all current regulations.
The WSS Farmer’s Market will be every Thursday from 3-6:30 p.m. in Midland Trail Park (behind the clock) on Main Street, beginning on June 8.
Vendors include Greenbrier Farms, Greenbrier Mobile Market, Anita Snyder Honey, BBJ Farms and many others. Stay tuned for vendor updates as they register.
Find us on Facebook at WSS Farmer’s Market. To register or for more information, contact Martha Snider at 304-520-2279 or sndhomer@aol.com.