The Richlands Ruritan club met Feb. 10 at the Calvary Methodist Church. After dinner was served, the members conducted a short business meeting. The members voted to donate $200 to the Lewisburg-Fairlea Food Bank. The club decided to donate $200 to a Build-Your-Dollars Program sponsored by Ruritan Foundation. The donation will be matched by the Foundation to fund a scholarship at the New River Community College. It was noted that the Richlands Ruritan members had contributed over 114 volunteer hours to community needs in the past month.
The speaker for the evening was James Tate, a Personal Financial Advisor and Ruritan member. Tate’s presentation covered the recent economic news and stock market activities. Tate gave recommendations for developing a diversified investment portfolio.
The Richlands Ruritan club meets on the second Wednesday of each month for a dinner meeting at the Calvary Methodist Church on Route 60 West.
The Ruritan Civic organization is a national network of clubs working together for a stronger America. The Ruritan focus is to support community services in small towns and rural communities across America. The Ruritans were founded in 1928 in Holland, VA, and celebrated their 88th year this May. The Richlands Ruritan Club provides scholarships to local college students and 4-H campers, and maintains Tuckwiller Park.