Eleven members of the Progressive CEOS met with Kitty Loudermilk and co-hostess Linda Schmidt for a lunch of Mediterranean dishes. Recipes were handed out at the last month’s meeting and members brought dishes made from the recipes. There was a good variety of salads and desserts with no duplicates. We ate first and then before the dessert, had our business meeting.
Patty Gray thanked Kitty and Linda for being hostess and co-hostess.
She then gave her news item from the past. In 1765, the Colonial government met in New York and drew up the Stamp Act which dealt with grievances with England.
Chris Gowing brought the traveling basket and passed it along to Barbara Shiley who will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
Committee report forms were passed around to the chairmen so they could be ready to fill them out next month.
The Motivator Health Tip was given by Patty Gray. This month’s emphasis is on Protein. Adult women need 46 grams of protein and men need 56 grams each day.
The Craft Workshop was held Oct. 12 in the Gus Douglass building on the fairgrounds. Members needed to bring a bag lunch. There was a lesson on cell phone usage, personal appearance and making Christmas ornaments.
The club voted to make a donation to Penny Pitch at Christmas time instead of doing a gift exchange.
There will be a Show and Share workshop on Nov. 13 in Rupert at the Community Building. This is a covered dish meeting. They would like to have one member from each club to do a cooking recipe with samples or share Christmas memories. Barbara Shiley volunteered to do one for our club.
Our November meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The program leader couldn’t do it on the regular day.
Our December meeting, which is our Christmas party, will be Dec. 9.
After our business session, we then enjoyed the various desserts and a time of fellowship.