In President Judy Guye’s message to the garden clubs, she reminded Greenbrier District members of various scholarship applications available to students on poetry, essays, gardeners and poster contests for local schools with the college level award being up to $500.
She suggested that members who have qualified individual gardens with their plantings register to become a member of the Million Garden Pollination Challenge that promotes pollination. Different varieties of milkweed can be planted in gardens to assist in the growth of Monarch butterflies. Apply for State Awards for projects completed by your club. Lastly, promote West Virginia Garden Club by purchasing and placing medallions on gateway signs.
A very interesting program on honey bees was presented by Troy Holbrook of Lewisburg regarding the life of the bees and the importance to the world in saving the bees for pollination of food crops.
The meeting was held on Friday, October 9, at the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. After the morning business meeting, luncheon was served followed by the afternoon program by Mr. Holbrook.