Bozoo Ruritan Club met Thursday night, Apr. 16, and will meet again to pick up trash along Bozoo Road on Apr. 25 starting around 8 a.m. We always have several community members who support our pick-up for Adopt-A-Highway. Anyone who would like to help is more than welcome.
Along those same lines, the club will have the recycling bins at their building once a week starting very soon. Oliver Porterfield talked with club members about the county’s all-out efforts to keep Monroe County clean. He told them that all the schools were involved. Additionally there are specific days for collection of tires and electronic items. The club wants to do its part to help keep their community clean, so please plan to use the recycling bins when they are at the building.
The club also owns and cares for the Sunset View Cemetery on Cemetery Road. It’s that time of year when they ask for help to pick up all of the old flowers and arrangements so that they can begin mowing soon.
Our club continues to serve senior meals weekdays at 11:30 a.m. It’s a great way to get out and get to know your neighbor, especially now that the weather is getting nicer!
Bozoo Ruritans are always interested in new community-minded members. Come to a meeting and see if Ruritan is for you. They meet the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.. We start with dinner and good fellowship and move on to the business meeting. Check them out!