The women of the Henning Church of God held their regular monthly meeting in the church fellowship hall on Mar. 10 with Marty Burns, Shirley Loudermilk and Sue Hunt as hostesses. Carole Spencer presided and Betty Lou Byers led in prayer.
Dyan Hefner led the devotion, which was a prayer for Ken Bryon, missionary to Peru, and for several people with serious physical needs. God is the great physician and can still heal today.
Barb Seldomridge gave the missionary education report about Wayne from Missouri. He helps kids in the judicial system. He teaches them that they all have a soul and they must make a choice to receive help. We must give to others our wisdom and spend time with them. Something has to change in our country. Let it begin with us. She also read an article entitled, “What God is Like.”
Jamie Harvey gave the financial report and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
The group reported sending 123 cards, making 27 visits and making 46 phone calls. The group was reminded of the Arts and Craft Show to be held Mar. 13 and 14 at the Greenbrier Valley Mall. We will have a speaker from the community college next month to share about the programs there and what they do. Next month membership dues will be collected from members wishing to join. The group decided to prepare a dinner for the Organic Farmers Association on Monday, Apr. 20. The group was reminded about the spring convention to be held Apr. 24 and 25 in Beckley sponsored by the Crosspoint Church of God. There will be a fundraiser in Washington, PA on Monday, Apr. 27,for the missionary trip to Peru planned later this year and they need baked goods from members. This year the group will celebrate 60 years and there will be a potluck dinner during the May 12 meeting. The group plans to invite ladies who do not belong to the group and have a nursery supervised by the youth.
Elections were held and a slate of officers of officers was presented by the nominating committee which consisted of Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Carole Spencer and Marty Burns; Carole Spencer, president; Kim Brookman, vice president; Pauline Perkins, secretary; Jamie Harvey, treasurer; Marty Burns, historian; Betty Lou Byers, literature reporter; Dyan Hefner, spiritual life; Barb Seldomridge, missionary education and correspondence; Patty Owens and Pauline Perkins, gift buyers.
All committees were ratified.
The next meeting will be held Apr. 14 with Carole Spencer as hostess. Jamie Harvey gave the closing prayer and Joan Vance won the door prize.
Attending were: August Hefner, Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Bonnie, Stella and Maddie Dodrill, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Dyan Hefner, Evon Persinger, Jamie Harvey, Joan Vance, Lynn Poage, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Shirley Loudermilk, Sue Hunt, Rosie Blake, Angie Scott and Scarlett Zicafoose.