Greenbrier Valley Visitors Guide wins Stars of Almost Heaven Award

Greenbrier County CVB staff accepts the Best Print Media Award at the Stars of Almost Heaven - Valerie Pritt (left), Beth Gill, Kara D. Dense, Secretary of Tourism Chelsea Ruby and Brian Belcher The 2024 Greenbrier Valley Visitor Guide cover The Greenbrier County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) brought home the award for Best Print Media for the 2024 Visitors Guide at the Stars of Almost Heaven Awards dinner hosted by the West Virginia Department of Tourism (WVDT). “We are...

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Dear Recycle Lady

Dear Recycle Lady, What is the rewilding of land? More New Words Dear More New Words, Rewilding land is returning developed land back to its natural state and returning native animals and plants back to the area. It is a way to help restore ecosystems and reestablish populations of wildlife. Restoring forest areas helps fight climate change as the trees absorb carbon dioxide, one of the causes of climate change. Ecologists have proposed rewilding of some government-held land and letting nature restore and repair it naturally. More than 70 countries, governments, and conservationists are currently rewilding land. Created in 2020,...

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