4-H is a fourfold development program based on Head, Heart, Hand and Health to make the world a better place.
For the past few years, campers have tried to emphasis these traits with a FUNraiser for a youth in Greenbrier County that has a health issue.
During Greenbrier 4-H camps this year, the 4-Her’s raised or donated money to help Lane Hawkins, age 5 from Crawley. Hawkins has spinal muscular atrophy, a motor neuron disease. He is traveling to Morgantown for treatments. Hawkins was able to visit the camp during the last night at Council Circle during younger camp, and everyone was happy to see his smiling face.
The campers that raised $50 or more for Lane were Autumn Rudd, Ashley Stidom, Ryan White, Flint Crowe, Jagger McNeely, Norah Ambler, Lauren Quick and Marc Hammer.