The Lewisburg Rotary club has selected the 2018 Lewisburg Rotary Scholarship recipients from Greenbrier East High School. The students and their advisor were introduced to the membership on Tuesday, Apr. 24 at the Elks County Club.
Fifty-six students submitted information to the committee. Following multiple committee meetings to review the student information, 22 interviews were held with students seeking money for their education for college and technical training. These scholarships are made possible by The Lewisburg Rotary Club’s annual scholarship fund raising event The Craft Brew Festival. This year’s festival is scheduled Apr. 28 at the West Virginia State Fair Grounds.
Ronald Magruder, chairman of the Lewisburg Rotary Club Scholarship Committee stated, “I am pleased to announce that eight students have been selected to receive Rotary scholarships. It is such a pleasure to talk with these students as it gives all of us hope for our country as you can see their potential as future leaders. The Lewisburg Rotary Club selects local students to receive a donation towards their education based on national test scores, school activities and community involvement.”
The students receiving scholarships are Prahalath Anbu Bharathi, Savanna Leech, Summer McElwain, Zack Ramsey, Nathan Robinson, Charlotte Solak, Andrew Taylor and Savannah Weikle.
Rotarians are dedicated to community service and the eradication of disease worldwide. Lewisburg Rotary meets Tuesdays at 12 noon at the Elks Club. For information on attending meetings and Rotary membership, call Martha Hilton at 304-645-7700.