Explore the history of the local area through the lens of a camera!
See an exhibit of the winning entries to the 2014 Hidden History Photo Contest at Tamarack this September. With 21 heritage-based images on display this year, this annual contest provides an opportunity for West Virginia amateur adult and youth photographers to capture hidden and not-so-hidden elements of southern West Virginia’s history. “This contest gives participants a chance to share their love of history through the lens of a camera,” says Robin Snyder, Chief of Interpretation and Visitor Services at New River Gorge National River. “The added bonus is that their pictures tell stories of the region’s rich history. It is storytelling without words!”
This heritage photo exhibit is on display at Tamarack Aug. 29 through Sept. 29 in the vestibule leading to the center courtyard, near the food court. Photographs were submitted in the following categories: historic object, historic structure, historic landscape, site on the National Register of Historic Places, and creative interpretation. The photos are for public sale at Tamarack during this special exhibit period. The images can also be viewed online at http://www.nps.gov/neri/planyourvisit/hidden-history-photo-contest.htm (not for sale online).
The contest is part of the sixth annual Hidden History Weekend, an event celebrating the wonders of Appalachian heritage. This year’s event is scheduled for Sept. 26-28, a partnership between New River Gorge National River, the National Coal Heritage Area, Tamarack, and Babcock, Carnifex Ferry Battlefield, Hawks Nest, Little Beaver, Pipestem Resort, and Twin Falls Resort State Parks. Visit any of these places year-round, but be sure to join in on this event for a close-up look into the rich sites and stories of southern West Virginia’s diverse history.
For information about these sites and a full event schedule for 2014 Hidden History Weekend, visit any of these websites: http://www.nps.gov/neri, www.coalheritage.org, www.wvstateparks.com, and www.tamarackwv.com. Also check out the National Park Service Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/newrivergorgenps, follow us on Twitter at https://Twitter.com/NewRiverNPS, or stop by any park visitor center.