Families can come and gather for an event full of food, fun, and activities at the 14th Annual Venison Cooking Contest, Auction, and Bingo!
In effort to provide support to Greenbrier County Youth 4-H Summer Camps that will help keep camp costs down for families and give funds for exciting activities for campers, the Greenbrier County 4-H Leaders Association have arranged an assortment of activities for all to enjoy on February 3.This annual event will take place in the Cecil Underwood Building at the State Fair of West Virginia. Both youth and adults are invited to enter the Annual Venison Cooking Contest to showcase the best venison dishes in Greenbrier County. All contestants have a chance to win cash prizes and bragging rights over the rest of the contestants.
Judging will start at 2 p.m. with Bingo starting at 4 p.m. The Bingo has a total of 21 games with prizes from local home demonstrators such as: Gold Canyon, Avon, and LuLaRoe. Purchase your bingo cards before the event and get them $5 off for $20 by coming to the Extension Office, or get them for $25 at the Cook-Off. A free Venison 101 Course will be taught by Agriculture Extension Agent, Josh Peplowski and Families & Health Agent, Andi Hoover that will provide hands-on training of techniques to take your venison from field to fork at 2 p.m. A live auction will begin at 6 p.m. that will have items like art, handmade goods, handmade quilt, weekend getaways, and dinner for two services donated by 4-H members, 4-H alumni, and supporters. Youth have the opportunity to take part in various activities, games, and face painting.
For more information about the event or to register for the venison class or cooking competition visit, call, or email the County Extension Office at 304-647-7408 and kelly.wills@mail.wvu.edu. This is a can’t miss opportunity to support your local 4-H organization and spend time with the whole family while having a great time.